
Our high-quality, standardised assessments, written by our subject experts, provide cohort-benchmarked summative reporting and detailed formative analysis, at the mid-point and the end of the year.

This summer we will be making our assessments and use of the Smartgrade analysis tool available to schools, free of charge

United Curriculum assessments are valid and reliable, fully curriculum-aligned, and designed by our experts in accordance with industry best practices.

Available either with the United Curriculum or standalone, our high-quality assessments allow you to understand your students’ strengths, gaps and performance, with new, unseen papers twice a year.

Our assessments are sat by tens of thousands of students in schools across England. Delivered through our partner Smartgrade, they enable you to benchmark your students against a national cohort with standardised grades and cohort rank ordering.

In addition to standardised summative reporting, our assessments are carefully designed to give you actionable, impactful information that can shape your teaching and learning.

Ready to get started? Fill out our contact form in just 2 minutes by clicking the button below, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

What is covered in our assessments?

Our assessments are fully aligned with the United Curriculum but can also be used standalone. 

Our Specification Documents set out all the knowledge and skills in the curriculum, so you can see exactly what is covered by our assessments.

Our topic summaries provide a one-page overview of what’s covered in this year’s summer assessments.

United Curriculum assessments will assess a sample of the content in the Specification Document for each subject. What is assessed may vary from year to year, just like in an exam.

We specifically set out what parts of the specification are covered in our mid-year assessments, so you can see if your curriculum is sufficiently aligned at the mid-year point to make the assessments meaningful.

How does it work?

High-quality assessments

High-quality assessments

Written by our experts in line with industry best practice, our assessments have high validity and a clear, straightforward design to ensure your students are able to show what they know and can do.

Most subjects have assessments available twice a year, at the mid-point and at the end of the year. New, unseen papers will be provided each year. Each paper is designed to last one hour or less,  enabling it to be sat during normal lesson time.

Papers include a variety of questions intended to assess students’ knowledge, and their ability to use their knowledge in the ways set out in the Specification. They will usually include multiple choice or objective questions, short answer questions, and extended response questions. Students may be asked to bring together knowledge from different sections of the specification to show their holistic understanding of the content.

Simple mark schemes

Simple mark schemes

Informed by research evidence, our mark schemes have been designed to ensure high reliability, making it as easy as possible for you to mark your students’ assessments consistently with other teachers.

We understand that you want marking to be as quick and straightforward as possible – but you also want to know that you are marking correctly, in line with the intended standard and with other teachers.

Our mark schemes are carefully designed based on best practice and research evidence, to ensure they are applied as consistently as possible for high reliability.

They are clear and ensure you know what to credit (and what not to) and allow you to appropriately reward unexpected responses.

Where relevant, they include alternative solutions and exemplar answers to help you understand the standard.

Easy data entry

Easy data entry

Our partner, Smartgrade, provides easy-to-use markbooks to enter your students’ data.

The online markbooks are quick and easy to use. They’re automatically populated with your pupil and class data from your MIS, so you can just open the platform and start entering your marks.

The interface is clear and simple for any  teaching or support staff member to use. You can move around the table just like a spreadsheet, and Smartgrade automatically saves every piece of data you enter – you can’t forget to save and you won’t lose data if your laptop crashes!

You can choose to provide whole-paper marks only to get summative reporting, or quickly enter question-level marks to access full formative analysis for your students.

Instant formative analysis

Instant formative analysis

As soon as you submit your markbooks, you’ll be able to access detailed analysis of your students’ strengths and gaps.

You will immediately see which knowledge or skills individual students or whole classes need help with.

Analysis is broken down by different areas of content, skills and applications, depending on what is appropriate for the subject. You can easily see which areas of the Specification align to students’ strengths and gaps. Full question-level analysis is also available.

Analysis available through Smartgrade includes average marks per question and content/skill area, along with visual heatmapping to allow you to easily see where individual students or your whole class has strengths or gaps.

Cohort-benchmarked reporting

Cohort-benchmarked reporting

Once our data-entry window closes, you’ll be able to access standardised grades and cohort percentile rankings.

You will see how your students are performing compared to a national cohort, with reporting to suit your needs.

A percentile ranking across the whole cohort that has taken the assessment nationally is provided. For end-of-year assessments, a ‘National Distribution Grade’ of 9-1 is provided, to allow you to easily understand how your pupils have performed relative to a national standard.

Analysis available through Smartgrade can be grouped by gender, PP and other characteristics, all automatically populated from your school’s MIS, along with visual heatmapping to allow you to easily see how your students are performing compared to a national cohort.

Student reports

Student reports

Automatically generate printable student reports to share results and feedback.

  • Easily create fully customisable, printable student reports to share results and feedback with your students.
  • You can choose whether to include topic-level feedback, question-level, or both, and whether you want to include summative data such as grades or cohort percentile rankings. 
  • Easily available student reports make it easy to share your students’ assessment data with them so they can directly understand their strengths and gaps. 
What is Smartgrade?

What is Smartgrade?

Smartgrade is a platform that provides administration for assessments including data entry, analysis and standardisation.

We partner with them to provide an interface for you to access your assessments, enter your students’ marks, and view your analysis and reporting. The platform also enables us to provide standardised grades and rank orders across the whole cohort taking United Curriculum assessments.

Smartgrade will fully support you with the onboarding process, which is quick and easy. This will include setting up integration with your school’s MIS, ensuring that your pupil and class data automatically appears in Smartgrade to avoid unnecessary data entry.

You can find out more about Smartgrade at

Register your interest for more information

Assessment FAQs

How many papers are there?

Most subjects have assessments available twice a year: at the mid-point and the end of the year (see “What year groups are available in United Curriculum assessments?” below).

The number and type of papers vary by subject and are set out in the Specification Documents. Most mid-year assessments comprise one paper; most end-of-year assessments have two papers.

When are the papers available?

The mid-year assessments are intended to be taken in January, with question papers and mark schemes made available before the start of the term.

The end-of-year assessments are intended to be taken in June, with question papers and mark schemes made available in May.

Dates are available in the Smartgrade assessment calendar.

When is the analysis available?

Formative analysis is available instantly on submission of a completed markbook.

Standardised summative reporting is available from a specified date shortly after the data-entry window closes.

Dates are available in the Smartgrade assessment calendar.

How are grades standardised?

Our ‘National Distribution Grades’ are standardised using an average of recent GCSE distributions in each subject. For example, if an average of 4% of pupils usually obtain a grade 9 in Maths, 4% of the cohort taking our Maths assessments will be assigned a ‘National Distribution Grade’ of 9.

What year groups are available in United Curriculum assessments?

While our assessments have been used in United Learning schools for almost a decade, we are refining them and preparing them for use outside of the group.

In most subjects, Year 7 is available from September 2024/25; Year 8 will follow in 2025/26 and Year 9 in 2026/27. See table below for full details by subject.

Availabililty of United Curriculum assessments:


  Mid-year End-of-year
English 7 7
Maths 7, 8, 9, 10 7, 8, 9
Science 7 7
History 7 7
Geography 7 7
Religious Studies - 7
French and Spanish 10 10


  Mid-year End-of-year
English 7, 8 7, 8
Maths 7, 8, 9, 10 7, 8, 9
Science 7, 8 7, 8
History 7, 8 7, 8
Geography 7, 8 7, 8
Religious Studies 7, 8 7, 8
French and Spanish 10 10

2026/27 (planned)

  Mid-year End-of-year
English 7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9
Maths 7, 8, 9, 10 7, 8, 9
Science 7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9
History 7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9
Geography 7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9
Religious Studies 7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9
French and Spanish 9, 10 9, 10


Are the assessments suitable for all students?

Our assessments are designed using research evidence and best practice. All content is appropriate for the relevant age group. Accessibility is built into the design, for example ensuring that the reading demand of the papers is appropriate for the age group. The assessments are designed to differentiate across a wide range of performance, spanning most of the cohort.

It is expected that most students without specific needs, who are following a mainstream curriculum, will be able to access our assessments meaningfully (and receive a standardised grade in the end-of-year assessments).

Students with specific needs, such as those who may require modified exam papers, may not be able to access our assessments. Modified papers are not currently available although we can make editable Word document versions available to allow you to make appropriate modifications.

Are the assessments available on-screen?

No. Our mid-year and end-of-year assessments are designed as written exams, to prepare students for Key Stage 4 qualifications and ensure they are valid summative assessments in line with the current mainstream approach to Key Stage 4 qualifications. We will keep this under review as the qualifications system evolves.

Do I have to buy the curriculum with the assessments?

No. While the curriculum and the assessments are designed to be fully aligned, they are available separately and there is no requirement to use both.

Our Specification Documents set out all the knowledge and skills covered by the United Curriculum, so you can see exactly what is covered by our assessments if you wish to use them on a standalone basis.

Our topic summaries provide a one-page overview of what’s covered in this year’s summer assessments.

Who writes the United Curriculum assessments?

Our assessments are developed by teams led by subject specialists with experience in teaching and leading their subject in schools, and assessment experts with experience in best-practice assessment design.

Find out more about our story here

If I take part in the free assessment trial summer, will I be signing up for a longer-term contract with United Curriculum?

No, you can opt in and out of assessments year on year. You will be under no obligation to use United Curriculum assessments in 25/26, but you will be able to if you wish to! 

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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