Primary Curriculum

Our carefully sequenced curriculum, featuring high-quality and adaptable resources, empowers all primary teachers to deliver excellent lessons confidently.

At United Learning, our commitment to improving pupil outcomes is at the heart of everything we do. The United Curriculum, designed by experienced teachers, reflects our dedication to supporting outstanding teaching.

Our curriculum is grounded in evidence-based practices and offers a thoughtfully structured progression for primary pupils. It equips all teachers – regardless of experience or subject specialism – with comprehensive subject knowledge and adaptable resources.

Trusted by schools across England, the United Curriculum can be tailored to meet the needs of every class and every school, whether you’re an outstanding institution or at the start of your improvement journey.

What's included for Primary?

The United Curriculum provides a selection of adaptable resources that can (and should) be tailored to fit the unique needs of any class and school.

Sequenced Curriculum Document

Sequenced Curriculum Document

For every subject, see what is taught in each unit and how key substantive and disciplinary concepts (such as ‘power’ and ‘historical significance’) develop from EYFS to KS2 and beyond.


Teacher Packs

Teacher Packs

For every unit, the Teacher Pack sets out clearly what should be taught and a suggested sequence of lessons. It supports teachers with the subject knowledge and knowledge of the curriculum (‘why this, why now?’) that they need to teach with confidence.


Adaptable Lesson Resources

Adaptable Lesson Resources

Every unit contains PowerPoint slides for each lesson which are adaptable to the class's needs. Printable resources are available to provide additional scaffolds or where they are necessary for the learning.


Pre- and Post-Learning Quizzes

Pre- and Post-Learning Quizzes

Pre-Learning Quizzes help teachers identify gaps in prerequisite knowledge, so they can plan to fill these gaps before teaching a unit. Post-Learning Quizzes help teachers know that pupils are keeping up with new learning.


Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are available for each unit, and, as with all our resources, should be adapted according to how they will be used in your school.


EYFS Resources

EYFS Resources

Practitioner Packs provide guidance on setting up and running each area of continuous provision, and medium-term plans guide discrete teaching.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I trial the United Curriculum?

Our curriculum website offers many complete units for free trial. Create a free sample account to download these.

If you’d like to see different units, please get in touch and we can arrange a bespoke trial for your school.

What resources are needed to deliver the United Curriculum?

The United Curriculum has been developed assuming a minimum level of resources, such as beakers and compasses for science and geography. The  resources necessary for each unit are listed in the unit’s Teacher Pack, and there is also a complete checklist available for subject leads of each subject (excluding EYFS). 

Are the lessons designed to be a particular length?

All our lessons are designed to fit into a 1-hour lesson (except science, which is a 2-hour lesson). We know from experience that teachers find it easy to adapt our resources to their timetable.

How many lessons do you need to teach the United Curriculum?

Each unit is intended to be 6 lessons, with a 4-lesson option to allow teachers to fill gaps in prerequisite knowledge as required.

Science 6 x 2-hour lessons per unit; 6 x units per year
R&W 6 x 1-hour lessons per unit; 6 x units per year
History, Geography, Art, D&T 6 x 1-hour lessons per unit; 3 x units per subject per year
Can I use the United Curriculum for mixed-age teaching?

In addition to the single-year curriculum plans, the United Curriculum includes an outline for 2-year cycles (Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6). Schools can use these outlines and adapt the single-year resources to teach mixed-age classes.

Given the number of possible permutations of mixed-age classes,  we cannot provide other configurations (Year 3/4/5, etc.). However, we can provide advice and guidance, so please do get in touch with us if you have specific questions about mixed-age here.

Can I subscribe to individual year groups?

The power of the United Curriculum is that it has been carefully sequenced, and knowledge builds in every unit in every year. This careful sequencing means that purchasing individual year groups or units is not practical or possible.

What is the pedagogical approach of the United Curriculum?

The United Curriculum is based on Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction.

From designing the curriculum, to delivering knowledge in small steps, to regularly reviewing and building on content, to ensuring that there are prompts for teacher modelling, to providing scaffolds for guided practice – the curriculum is entirely built on research. 

Who has developed the United Curriculum for primary?

The curriculum has been developed over several years in partnership with United Learning schools across the country, led by experienced subject specialists with a wealth of experience teaching in schools.

Find out more about our story here

Still have a question?

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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